White Patch On Vulva Itching And Redness

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The Vulva Medical Picture & Normal Healthy Labia Picture Gallery (Vagina Image / Photo Gallery) – Willy. Worries. com. Disclaimer: This site provides information for reference ONLY. No diagnosis can be offered or inferred by this website, or by reading any type of publication. If you have ANY medical concerns, it is important that you do not worry, guess or self- diagnose, but that you make time to be seen by a qualified healthcare practitioner and discuss your issues with them, in person. Your health is important, so do not ignore it if you notice something that’s prompted you to look for answers, here, or on any other website.

Common Causes and Effective Natural Treatments. Although it can be an embarrassing problem to talk about, many women are affected by swollen labia. The lips or folds of skin at the opening of the vagina help to protect the vagina as it is a very sensitive area. Swelling in the labia minora or labia majora can happen if you have a yeast or bacterial infection, allergic reaction to chemicals, or if cysts develop in the vulva.

However, pregnancy and sexual intercourse can also cause the lips at the vaginal opening to swell. Any kind of swelling in the labia will cause discomfort that can affect your daily activities. An infection can cause itchiness and burning sensation that give you a constant urge to scratch between your legs. Or, conditions that cause swollen labia can cause discomfort, pain, and even discharge.

In many cases, natural remedies are effective treatments for the symptoms of swollen labia. For example, natural ingredients like tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil have antifungal and antibacterial properties that act as a natural antiseptic to soothe itchy labia and kill off infections. Even an everyday product like raw natural yogurt can help to improve your vaginal health and help to treat swollen labia. In this article, you will learn the various reasons why swelling occurs in the labia and what natural remedies are effective in reducing swollen vaginal lips.

Yeast infection. A vaginal yeast infection is a common reason for swollen labia that is itchy and may have discharge. A healthy vagina needs a delicate balance of yeast and bacteria cells. If this balance is disrupted, then an overgrowth of Candida albicans fungi can infect the labia, vulva, and vagina.

White Patch On Vulva Itching And Redness

Feminine itching can be an embarrassing and often distressing symptom that sometimes doesn't go away by simply practicing good feminine hygiene.

Dr. Kathleen Romito on Web. MD says that symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are severe itching and vaginal discharge that is clumpy, white, but odorless.

The yeast infection will also cause irritation and redness around the vaginal opening. There are various natural remedies to treat a vaginal yeast infection and reduce itching and swelling around the labia. Tea tree oil for yeast infection. You can use the antifungal properties of tea tree oil to get rid of a yeast infection that is causing your vaginal area and labia to swell and itch.

Archives: Reviews on Science of Skin. Chemical burn scars Dennis Beck July 21st 2017* So for after 4 months of suffering with the effects of chemical burns the. Dermatological Conditions of the Vulva By Dr. Gordon Davis, Arizona vulva clinic.

The journal Skin Pharmacology reported that tea tree oil kills off various fungal strains, including Candida albicans. Also research has shown that a natural way to treat vaginal Candidiasis is to insert tea tree oil suppositories into the vagina. Coconut oil to treat vaginal yeast infections.

Virgin coconut oil can also be used to treat the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection such as severe itching in the genital area, vaginal discharge, and pain when urinating. Applying virgin coconut oil to the vaginal opening can help to reduce swelling around the labia, cure discharge, and soothe itching, and pain.

In fact, research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food showed that coconut oil was as effective as fluconazole in clearing yeast infection symptoms. Fluconazole is an antifungal medication commonly used to treat yeast infections. How to use tea tree oil and coconut oil for swollen labia. You can make your own natural antifungal treatment at home to treat a swollen labia which is a result of a vaginal yeast infection.

This is what you should do: Gently warm 1 tbsp. This is what you should do: Apply a thin layer of the coconut oil remedy to your vaginal area to reduce the swelling, itchiness, and treat the infection that is causing discharge.

Apply the remedy 2- 3 times a day until all signs of the infection are gone and you no longer have any discomfort and swelling your labia. Apple cider vinegar to reduce symptoms of yeast infection. Raw unprocessed apple cider vinegar is an effective natural treatment for easing the discomfort of a vaginal yeast infection. Applying a solution of apple cider vinegar to your vulva will help to reduce swollen vaginal lips, soothe itchiness, and get rid of infections. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which helps to lower p. H levels naturally and thus helps to stop vaginal itching.

Studies into the beneficial effect of acetic acid on yeast infections have shown that it is an effective antifungal agent. For example, the journal Acta Microbilogica Bulgarica reported that acetic acid effectively kills off most strains of yeast. Other studies have shown that acetic acid can help to control the growth of Candida albicans. How to use apple cider vinegar to reduce labia swelling. It is very easy to make an apple cider vinegar solution to kill off yeast infections that cause the labia to swell and itch. This is what you should do: Dilute equal parts of raw apple cider vinegar and water (never use undiluted ACV as it can burn the skin). Soak a tampon in the cider vinegar remedy and insert into your vagina for 3.

Remove the tampon and rinse the swollen vaginal area with warm water and pat dry. Use the apple cider vinegar- soaked tampon 2- 3 times a day until the swelling in your labia is completely cured. Remember to do a skin patch test first of all to make sure that you don’t have an allergy to apple cider vinegar. Yogurt to treat vaginal yeast infections.

Consuming yogurt containing live bacteria can help to restore the normal bacteria balance in the body and treat vaginal yeast infections. Flash Dell Bios From Bootable Usb. You can consume yogurt or use it as a topical application. You can find detailed information in my article about yogurt for yeast infection: the complete guide. Vaginitis. One cause of swelling in the labia minora or labia majora is vaginitis. Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina, labia, and vulva and can affect women and girls of all ages. Some of the types of vaginitis that result in swollen labia are bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and yeast infections. According to Dr. Irina Burd on Medline.

Plus, common symptoms of vaginitis or vulvovaginitis are inflammation and swelling of the genital area, itching around the labia, foul odor, and discomfort when urinating. To get rid of the genital discomfort and swelling caused by vaginitis, you should treat the underlying cause of the inflammation.

However, doctors on Web. MD recommend some ways of preventing the symptoms of vaginitis. These are: Avoid using perfumed products in or around your vagina. Only take antibiotics if you really have to. Don’t douche. During your period, change the tampons at least 3 times a day.

Don’t leave tampons in for more than 8 hours. Bacterial infections. Bacterial infections can cause bacterial vaginosis which will cause the area around your labia to swell and become inflamed. Your vaginal health is dependent on the proper balance of bacteria in your vagina. Doctors from the Cleveland Clinic say that if the balance of bacteria in the vagina becomes disrupted, too much “bad” bacteria will grow in your genital area causing bacterial vaginosis (BV). This will result in a discharge that has a bad odor, burning when you pee, and swelling of your vagina lips.

It’s important to visit your doctor if you have signs of a bacterial vaginal infection. Doctors aren’t sure of the best ways to prevent BV, however, you should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and manage stress levels to boost your health in general and boost your immune system. You can also look after the health of your vagina and prevent inflammation and swelling by using raw, natural yogurt. A study published in 2. In fact, in the trial, probiotic yogurt was just as effective as clindamycin, a pharmaceutical drug often used to treat BV. It was found that applying yogurt to the vagina helped to treat bacterial vaginosis. How to use: To use raw yogurt to help restore the balance of good bacteria to your vagina and reduce labia swelling, this is what you should do: Apply raw yogurt directly to your swollen labia to ease itching and reduce the swelling.

Or, dip a tampon in raw yogurt and insert into your vagina. Leave for 2 hours to help get rid of the BV symptoms.