Microsoft Sql Server Complex Event Processing Definition

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Paul Turley's SQL Server BI Blog. This post is part of the series: “Professional SSRS 2.

This SQL Server video training with Garth Schulte covers Microsoft’s in-demand server and includes topics such as creating and altering tables with T-SQL. SQL Server Technical Article. Writers: Thomas Kejser, Peter Carlin and Stuart Ozer. Technical Reviewers and contributors: Sunil Agarwal, Ted Lee, David Schwartz.

  1. With the current low prices for servers and the need for processing power, even a small company may end up with quite a few of them. If ten years ago it was still.
  2. One of the most compelling capabilities in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is the ability to extend report features with custom code and programming extensions.
Microsoft Sql Server Complex Event Processing Definition

Book Preview Posts” which are excerpts for my Wrox Press book: Professional SQL Server 2. Reporting Services and Mobile Reports. Microsoft Visual Foxpro Tutorial For Beginners Pdf Download here.

Microsoft SQL Server est un système de gestion de base de données (SGBD) en langage SQL incorporant entre autres un SGBDR (SGBD relationnel ») développé et.

Using a very simple mobile report scenario and sample sales data, we step through a simplified example exercising the design- first report development pattern. DESIGN- FIRST MOBILE REPORT DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE To compete all of the steps for this exercise, you need the following: SQL Server 2. Native mode report server Samples and exercise projects used in earlier chapters Mobile Report Publisher Optionally, a mobile device (tablet or phone) with the Power BI mobile app installed Create a new mobile report from the Web Portal by following these steps: 1. Navigate to your Reporting Services Web Portal.

If your report server was installed with default settings, the address is http: //myreportserver/ Reports (where myreportserver is the name of your report server). Click the Browse icon in the toolbar to show the contents of the Home folder rather than your Favorites. Use the “+New” (or “+”) menu to add a folder named Sales Reports 4.

Navigate to the Sales Reports folder. Use the “+New” menu to select Mobile Report (Figure 1. NOTE When the browser window for the Web Portal is wide enough to show the entire toolbar, the menu items are displayed with the icons along with a short description (for example “+New”) but when the window is smaller, the menu items are compacted and only show the icons like you see in Figure 1. In the figure, the “+New” menu is displayed as simply “+”.

FIGURE 1. 8- 1: Web Portal with compact menu items. The Mobile Report Publisher opens or you are prompted to download and install it. If the Report Publisher has not been previously installed, use the link shown in Figure 1. If Mobile Report Publisher does not open a few seconds after installing, choose the Mobile Report menu option again. FIGURE 1. 8- 2: Web Portal after selecting “Mobile Report.”The Mobile Report Publisher, shown in Figure 1. Common file management options listed on the toolbar include: Create new mobile report Open an existing mobile report Save mobile report Save mobile report as . Connect and manage server connections Larger icons on the tabs displayed on the left side of the Mobile Report Publisher design window include: Layout Data Settings Preview 6.

Click the Settings icon to open the Settings page for the new mobile report. For the Report title, enter the text Sales Summary by Country and Category, as shown in Figure 1. FIGURE 1. 8- 3: Mobile Report Publisher—Settings page.

Click the “Save mobile report as . TIP Before the report is saved the first time, both “Save mobile report” and “Save mobile report as . After that only the “Save as . Click “Save to server” (Figure 1. Sales Reporting folder on your report server, and then save the report.

FIGURE 1. 8- 5: Report server and location properties. Switch to the Layout page using the left- most tab in the upper left- hand side of the designer.

As you can see in Figure 1. You can drag and drop visual controls from the panel on the left to any cell in the grid. After you dropa control, use the handle displayed in the bottom- right corner of the control to resize it, stretching it to the right or down, to fill as many cells as you wish. FIGURE 1. 8- 6: Report Mobile Publisher—Layout page. You can change the number of grid rows and columns using the sliders in the top right- hand side of the designer. Next to the row and column sliders are drop- down lists used to select different mobile device layouts and color palettes.

You’ll use these a little later on in this exercise. WARNING Experienced SSRS report designers are inclined to change the grid rows and columns, adding as many controls as possible.

Before you give in to this urge, consider this: the purpose is to design mobile reports optimized for small screens and touch interaction. When viewing a mobile report on a desktop computer, the report might appear overly simple if it has unusually large controls. For this reason, be sure to test mobile reports on a phone or tablet device to ensure that you are providing the best mobile user experience and screen layout. Before you start adding controls to the mobile report, let’s review the high- level report requirements: NOTE Normally, the high- level business and functional report requirements are gathered by interviewing business user stakeholders.

The tenets of design- first report development allow you to start designing with only functional requirements and perhaps a modest understanding of the available data. Mobile users should be able to select a date period (years, months, or days) or any range of date periods to see aggregated sales metrics. Users should be able to select the country, or any combination of countries, to see the aggregated sales for those countries within the selected date period range. The total sales amount, freight cost, taxes, and unit order quantity should be displayed as abbreviated and correctly formatted values. The sales amount should also be visualized to compare totals for each product category, filtered by the selected date periods and countries. Add Visual Controls Now that you have a basic understanding of these requirement guidelines, you can add navigators, selectors, gauges, and other controls to the report: 1.

From the Navigators group at the top of the controls panel, drag the Time navigator to the first cell (top- left corner) in the mobile report design grid. Use the resize handle in the bottom- right corner of the Time navigator to resize the control to fill all the columns in the first row of the grid. With the Time navigator selected, use the Visual properties panel displayed below the mobile report designer to update properties with the following tasks, using Figure 1. Use the Time levels drop- down list to select Years, Months, and Days. Use the Time range presets drop- down list to deselect all items except All and Last Year. FIGURE 1. 8- 7: Time navigator Time level presets. Leave all other properties set to default selections.

Drag the Selection list to the left- most cell below the Time navigator and then resize it like Figure 1. FIGURE 1. 8- 8: Setting properties for the Time navigator. In the Visual properties panel, change the title to Select Country. From the Gauges control group, add four Number gauges as shown in Figure 1. Resize each gauge to be two cells wide. Change the Title for each of the gauges to: Sales Amount Freight Tax Amount Order Quantity 1. Set the Number format for the first three gauges to Abbreviated currency.

Set the Number format for the Order Quantity gauge to Abbreviated. From the Charts control group, drag the Category chart and resize it to fill the remaining space on the grid. Use Figure 1. 8- 9 to verify the chart properties.

Change the Title to Category Sales. FIGURE 1. 8- 9: Category Sales chart added. Preview the Mobile Report View the report as it will appear when deployed to the server, and then test the control interactions.

Click the Preview icon on the right- most tab to run the report with simulated data. As you see, simulated data is generated with values appropriate for each visual control. A range of date periods is generated with several years of usable date periods up to the current date. Remember that this is a simulation of a mobile touch screen interface. On a tablet device, the large controls on this mobile report are better suited for touch navigation and may be presented a little differently so they are familiar to users accustomed to using different devices.

If you are using a touch screen computer, you can use the screen to navigate. Otherwise, use the mouse. Touch or click a year on the Time navigator to drill down to the months for the selected year. Note that the number gauges and chart filter values apply the data filtered for the selection. Click and hold or swipe and drag across a range of months to select sales for a given range.