ROM, while. it's on bottom screen showing game name, file size and current. Press X or B, enter four items in the top screens: game. ROM. Enter cheat item, it's showed in the bottom screee Current. Touch Cheat off/Cheat. Enter Setting item, it's showed in the bottom screen there. English, Simplified Chinese and Japanese, touch. Enter ROM item, it's showed in the top bottom screen cheat.
DMA, software start functions, touch the relevant file to. When the Soft- Reset function is ON during. Don't save during soft reset, otherwise . It is recommended to return game main. If Soft- Reset can not be operated. Game is impacted, please turn off the soft- reset.
174 Comments Add your own. HI, Downloaded the patched version for M3 Adapter (SD) put it in file Guides and how-tos related to digital video and software associated to it.
Game Operation. Choose your expected game in the game menu, press A or touch. In the first operation, it will remind . Which can be copied to computer at. Cheat Operation. Choose the games, enter Cheat by pressing B or X.
Game Title is showed in the top screen, while it shows. Cheat off/Cheat on.
Cheat items. Choose your expected Cheat. Under Cheat Code Category, press A. You can delete the cheat. R4i. Menu category if the cheat function is not required. Cheat database updates: Download the newest cheat database. Uninstall Sync Centre Windows 7.
R4i. Menu category. Skin change method. Four files are alternative in the R4i. Menu/Skin category: they. TScreen. bmp, Bottom. Init. bmp, TScreen. Bottom. Screen. bmp.
R4, content in the. TScreen. bmp - - R4 NDSI Top screen interface after starting. Bottom. Init. bmp - - R4 NDSI Bottom screen interface after. Gta Iv Cheats Pc Never Die Young. TScreen. bmp - - R4 NDSI Top screen interface for the file. Bottom. Screen. bmp - - R4 NDSI Bottom screen interface for.
Notice: The above files names can not be changed, picture. Once your favourite picture is ready, copy the complete.