Data Entry Software For Android

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How to insert data into a SQLite database in Android. In android, there are several ways to store data while working with android applications.

Data Entry Software For AndroidData Entry Software For Android

We can store data by preferences, files or using database. Android provides a very tiny database named Sqlite. A Sqlite database provides a way to store database on the android device. Mostly all the android device has its own lightweight Sqlite database.

This class will be treated as a database controller of our application. The class SQLite. Open. Helper has two methods on. Download Flash Player Offline Installer Filehippo Downloads. Create() and on. Upgrade(), which are required to override into this child class. The method on. Create() is required to initialize our application for Sqlite database.

It will be using get. Readable. Databaes() or get. Writable. Database() methods to initialize database. These two methods are defined into class SQLite.

Query. Builder class. Hence, we are required to import SQLite. Query. Builder class. Listing 1: Sqlite. Controller. java public Sqlite. Controller(Context applicationcontext) .

Once database is initialized, a log will be displayed as created into the log console. Now, Lets create a table into the database table name “student” and define three records into this table named “id”, “name” and “course”. Listing 2: Create Student Table@Override. Create(SQLite. Database database) . There are two instances of type SQLite. Database and Content.

Values class types, created respectively. A put() method initializes values to be inserted into the database and insert() method of SQLite. Database class is used to insert record into the database that accept three parameters “table- name”, second will remain null and third will be the Content. Values class type instance variable. Once a record is inserted into the database, database connection should be closed using SQLite. Database class method close().

Listing 4: Sqlite. Controller. javapackage com. Array. List. import java. Hash. Map. import android. Log. import android.

Content. Values. import android. Context. import android. Cursor. import android. SQLite. Database. SQLite. Open. Helper. Sqlite. Controller extends SQLite.

Open. Helper . It list all the inserted items into the database. Now lets define the activity to add a student record into the database as listed into Listing 7: Listing 7: add. We learnt how to create database, database tables and also learnt inserting and displaying database table records into the main activity.

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