Bray Curtis Similarity Index Software Program

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Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest . S (2. 01. 3) Taking it to the streets: A multimethod investigation of street credibility and consumer affinity toward street credible endorsers Bernardin, Thomas L (2. Credit chains, credit bubbles, and financial fragility: Explaining the U.

S. Eslami, Ali (2. A non- asymptotic approach to the analysis of communication networks: From error correcting codes to network properties Fagan- Solis, Katerina D (2. Regulation and action of SKP2 and Rho.

Background The current combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have involved U.S. Studies are.

A in cell and tumor models: Investigation into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the aggressive phenotype of triple- negative breast cancer Farudi, Annahita (2. Gapping in Farsi: A crosslinguistic investigation Feild, Henry A (2.

Bray Curtis Similarity Index Software Program
  • Long-term dietary intake influences the structure and activity of the trillions of microorganisms residing in the human gut, but it remains unclear how rapidly and.
  • Cover: examples of 3D graphics images that can be rendered with HP workstations using the VISUALIZE fx graphics hardware. An API for Interfacing Interactive.

Exploring privacy and personalization in information retrieval applications Feng, Jiansheng (2. Investigations of surface- tension effects due to small- scale complex boundaries Ferrolino, Mylene Castell (2. The unavoidable threat of aggregation: implications for folding and function of a beta- rich protein Finn, Sarah (2. Writing for Social Action: Affect, Activism, and the Composition Classroom Fitzroy, Ahren B (2. The effects of metric strength on the allocation of attention across time Fletcher, Kingsley Atterh (2. Perceptions of contemporary effects of colonialism among educational professionals in Ghana Floryan, Mark (2.

Evolving expert knowledge bases: Applications of crowdsourcing and serious gaming to advance knowledge development for intelligent tutoring systems Fortier, Eric (2. Aesthetic experience in the culture of professionalism, 1.

Foster, Christopher C (2. The application of information integration theory to standard setting: Setting cut scores using cognitive theory Foulis, Stephen A (2. Recovery from muscle fatigue in young and older adults: Implications for physical function Francescone III, Ralph A (2.

The role of YKL- 4. Fraser, Denia M (2. Surviving domestic tensions: Existential uncertainty in New World African diasporic women's literature Friedlander, Holley Ann (2. Twisted weyl group multiple Dirichlet series over the rational function field Friesen, Lowell Keith (2. The structure of consciousness Garcia Frazier, Elena (2. Concept- based teaching and Spanish modality in Heritage language learners: A Vygotskyan approach Ghantous, Katherine M (2.

Use of flame cultivation as a nonchemical weed control in cranberry cultivation Giri, Nitai Charan (2. Structural investigations of early intermediates and nickel inhibition complexes of human DNA and histone demethylases Gomez- Prado, Daniel F (2. A framework for high level synthesis using taylor decomposition system Gomez Yepes, Ricardo Leon (2. A program evaluation of a policy intervention to increase racial diversity in the sciences and engineering Gon, Saugata (2. Discriminatory bio- adhesion over nano- patterned polymer brushes Gonzalez- Toro, Daniella Cristina (2.

Design, synthesis and characterization of polymeric nanostructures for protein sensing and delivery Goodwin, Matthew David (2. The fusion of migration and science fiction in Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United States Graichen, Adam (2. Enhanced detection strategies accomplished through metal binding and miniature mass spectrometry Gramling, Valerie Anne (2.

From feathers to fur: Theatrical representations of skin in the medieval English cycle plays Grant, Margaret Ann (2. The parsing and interpretation of comparatives: More than meets the eye Griffin, David M (2. Determining structure and function in nanomaterial biocomposites Guillory, Laurice Ann (2. An exploratory study of students and teachers attitudes toward three types of bullying: Physical, verbal and social exclusion Gu, Li (2. Intellectual Constellations in the Postsocialist Era: Four Essays Gu, Weiyin (2.

Manipulating block copolymer self- assemblies in bulk and thin films by thermal and solvent annealing Hall, Nerissa C (2. An investigation of the efficacy of direct and indirect AAC service provision via telepractice Hammer, Brenton A.

G (2. 01. 3) Synthesis and Solution- Driven Assembly of Functional Polythiophene Derivatives Hanly, Timothy J (2. Dynamic modeling of synthetic microbial consortia to optimize the co- fermentation of glucose and xylose Hardt, Emily E (2. In Transition: The Politics of Place- based, Prefigurative Social Movements Harlow, Elizabeth Ann (2.

Mind the gap: Materiality of gendered landscapes in Deerfield, Massachusetts, ca. Harvey, Jacob A (2.

Clustering, reorientation dynamics, and proton transfer in glassy oligomeric solids Hassan, Ahmed Abdi (2. Exploring educational needs arising from the influence of cultural difference in U. S. Kazanova, Anna (2. Degenerations of Godeaux surfaces and exceptional vector bundles Ke, Huajie (2.

Fabrication, characterization and analysis of patterned nano- sized material with large magnetic permeability at high frequency Keisch, Deborah (2. Searching for a praxis of possibility: Civic engagement in the corporatized university Kemkes, Robin J (2. Sustaining rural livelihoods in upper svaneti, republic of Georgia King, Hunter (2. Wifiway How To Crack Wep With Backtrack. Pattern formation in floating sheets Kita, Daniel W (2. Feronia: A malectin- like domain- containing receptor kinase in Arabidopsis thaliana insights into polarized cell growth, pollen tube - Pistil interactions, and sugar signaling Kizilay, Ebru (2.

Coacervation of oppositely charged macromolecules, micelles and proteins: Disproportionation and hierarchical structures Knight, Casey (2. The plausibility of moral error theories Kolek, Adam J (2. Examining the Correlations Between District Mission and Student Achievement Labbe, Nicole Jeanne (2. Determining detailed reaction kinetics for nitrogen- and oxygen- containing fuels Labrador, Angela M (2. Shared heritage: An anthropological theory and methodology for assessing, enhancing, and communicating a future- oriented social ethic of heritage protection La.

France, Denise La. Voie (2. 01. 3) Systems of accountability as a technology of governmentality: Policy, preparation, and inclusive practice Laguilles, Jerold S (2. What kind of alumni do low- income students become? An investigation of the relationship between income- status and future alumni involvement Leibovitch, Abigail (2. Theory of mind and the ability to make emotional inferences among children with high- functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders Lein, Max J (2. Droplet- Interface Bilayer Technologies for Membrane Protein Analysis and Molecular Trafficking Measurements Leonard, Nathaniel C (2. The Reflexive Scaffold: Metatheatricality, Genre, and Cultural Performance in English Renaissance Drama Levy, Yariv Z (2.

Multiscale modeling of human addiction: A computational hypothesis for allostasis and healing Lewis, Quentin (2. An archaeology of improvement in rural New England: Capitalism, landscape change, and rural life in the early 1.

Li, Chao (2. 01. 3) Optimizing linear queries under differential privacy Li, Chengbei (2. Determination of arsenic in water by potentially portable methodology Lie, Sunny (2. Beholders of the truth, pre- destined to be saved: the communication of Chinese indonesian reformed evangelical Christian (cirec) identity Li, Houbao (2.

Geochemistry and inorganic carbon transport of a glacial till drumlin at a road salt facility Li, Jingran (2. Conditional Gaussian fluctuations and refined asymptotics of the spin in the phase- coexistence region Lin, Ken- Hou (2.

The rise of finance and growing inequality Lin, Yenhan (2. Stability of thin liquid films flowing over heterogeneous surfaces and gas- solid flow of decomposing particles with applications to biomass pyrolysis Mac. Donald, Daniel P (2. Contract as contested terrain: An economic history of law and the rise of American Capitalism Mackay, Patricia E (2. The effects of tools of the mind on math and reading scores in kindergarten Maddikeri, Raghavendra Raj (2. Characterization of self- assembled functional polymeric nanostructures: I. Zwitterionic polymer vesicles in ionic liquid Mahalik, Jyoti Prakash (2.