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Incredible Discovery Pushes Back Origin of Homo Sapiens By 1. Years. The remains of five early Homo sapiens have been unearthed at a site in northwest Africa. At around 3. 00,0. And because the fossils were uncovered in Morocco—far from the supposed origin point of our species—the discovery is also resetting our notions of where and how modern humans evolved. The origin of our species is shrouded in mystery owing to the poor fossil record and a complete dearth of genetic evidence. The surprising discovery of the fossilized remains of five early humans at a site in Jebel Irhoud, Morocco—along with evidence of stone tools, animal bones, and use of fire—is adding an important piece to this frustratingly incomplete archaeological puzzle.

As this discovery shows, our species, known in the scientific nomenclature as Homo sapiens, has been around for a lot longer than we realized—a hundred thousand years longer, to be precise. We can now say, with reasonable confidence, that the species to which you and I belong to emerged in Africa around 3. It’s conceivable, of course, that archaeologists may find older specimens in the future, but this now the upper bound for the start date of H. As study co- author Jean- Jacques Hublin of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology explained at a press conference yesterday, “There is no Garden of Eden in Africa, because the Garden of Eden is Africa.” Early bipedal hominids from which we’re descended may have emerged from the African interior, but the evolutionary drivers that created H. In the first paper, the scientists describe the fossils found at the site; in the second, they analyze and date the stone tools. Before this new discovery, the oldest known samples of H. Strangely, however, Neanderthals and “archaic” Homo sapiens (i.

The lack of fossil evidence prior to 2. H. After diverging from a common ancestor, a group of archaic H. To reach this conclusion, the authors of the new study combined new and old fossil evidence.

Back in the 1. 96. Jebel Irhoud alongside some animal bones.

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The fossils were originally dated at around 4. African Neanderthal. Unsatisfied with this interpretation, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and the National Institute for Archaeology and Heritage in Morocco decided to renew the investigation, which involved new excavations at the Moroccan site.

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This led to the discovery of the partial skeletal remains of five individuals—three adults, one adolescent, and one child—along with stone tools, animal bones, and signs of fire use. The archaeologists had stumbled upon an ancient cave used by early humans to process and consume animal meat, primarily gazelles and zebras. And yes, the original archaeologists missed these five specimens—but in all fairness, the digs were in- and- around a mine, which is now a giant quarry. Using a technique known as thermoluminescence, the researchers dated the objects uncovered at the site to between 3. It’s now considered the oldest evidence ever found of the earliest members of the H. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Sahara was filled with forests and vast plains, making it possible for early hominids to traverse northwards towards what is now Morocco.

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In the case of these early H. By spreading across most of Africa, these hominids acquired the very traits have come to define our species. Curtis W. Marean, an expert on human origins at Arizona State University who wasn’t involved with the study, says the new discovery is important, and not entirely surprising.

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So this older age makes a lot of sense. I am happy to see this team solve this problem.”Marean says the fossils bear a striking resemblance to a distinctly human- like skull, called the Florisbad skull, discovered in South Africa back in 1.

By making micro computed tomographic scans of the fossils, the researchers detected some primitive features, such as a longer, lower braincase, strong brow ridges, and a large face. Crystal Reports 2008 Redist Install Chrome. But they also had delicate cheekbones, a distinctly modern- looking face, and teeth and jawbones that were virtually identical to H. As Jean- Jacques Hublin pointed out at the press conference, “these people wouldn’t stand out if we were to meet them in the street.”Archaeologist Chris Stringer from the Natural History Museum of London, who wasn’t involved in the study, says archaeologists and anthropologists should adopt a broad definition of Homo sapiens—but he didn’t always feel that way.

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Our species is all that’s left of the various hominid evolutionary “experiments” that transpired for hundreds of thousands of years across much of Africa, and to a certain extent in Europe. But as these new studies show, the defining aspects of our species emerged as the result of our need to move beyond our confines and constraints.

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