Phone and your Apple Watch if you have one. I’m not sure what the technicalities between a logout/login are, but it’s been known to actually fix things, believe it or not. I’ll assume it might have to do with some caching on Apple’s servers, but don’t quote me on that. Although I was pretty hopeful about this, logging out and logging back in didn’t fix anything for me, so I proceeded with the next step. Reset Network Settings. We previously assumed the problem was from i.
Cloud, but what if it was from your device instead? To make sure that’s not the case, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings, then enter your password and confirm you do want to reset these settings. This will wipe out all Wi- Fi networks previously saved on your device and start afresh. Try a different Wi- Fi network. If resetting your network settings didn’t work, it might be worth trying to back up to i. Cloud on a different Wi- Fi network.
Try connecting to your neighbor’s network (hello Scott!) or to a coffee shop to see if it makes a difference. Delete the existing i.
Cloud backup for your device. This is what did the trick for me. Even though my device wouldn’t backup to i. Cloud, it seemed to have backed up once on the first day I got the device. I figured that deleting that backup might fix errors associated with it, and indeed it did.
I have also heard this was the solution to the problem from several people on Twitter. Go to Settings > i. Cloud > Storage > Manage Storage. If you have several i.
OS devices, you should see all your backups for each device. Choose the device that won’t backup, then tap on Delete Backup at the bottom.
I have also heard from people on Twitter that they were not able to delete their backup from the problematic device, but instead, they had to use another device to delete the backup. If that’s the case for you, and if you own other i. OS devices, go to Settings > i.
Cloud > Storage > Manage Storage, then delete your problematic i. Cloud backup from another device (i. Some might suggest to simply go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings, but I’m a firm believer in full restores, meaning that you actually reinstall the software on the device rather than clean everything on that device. Again, this is my personal preference here, and something that I know works for 9. I do suggest you plug your i. Phone in i. Tunes, and hit Restore, then set up your device as new, and not from a backup. If you think that’s too much trouble, then restore in i.
Tunes and set up your device from a previous backup. It might do the trick and save you to reinstall everything on the device, but it might also bring back the exact issue you were trying to fix to begin with, which is why I always recommend a restore and set up as new. Still not working? Unfortunately, I’m not sure there is anything else you can do on your own, and it might be time to visit an Apple Store and meet with a genius. Hopefully you won’t have to get to that point. If you’ve had problems with i. Cloud, please make sure to know what solution fixed the issue.