Update: Downclocking really fixed it for me. Played the last two evening for hours and the crashes are really gone.. What the .. Also I was able to narrow down the date when the crashes first occured.
I looked up in my Windows Eventviewer. It's located under . I filtered the system log and got THIS!
The error did not occur to me before. I also gave this information to activision and I am waiting for reply. Update: I finally found a suitible woraround for my problem.
Although I already tried downclocking, I desperatly downclocked my GPU again with MSI Afterburner by the maximum the software support for my system. Looks like this: LINKPlayed three hours without a crash now.
Normally a crash would occur within 5 - 1. Very annoying - I will give this information to activision. Update: n. Vidia Ticket closed. They blame Activision / Sledgehammer.
Activision Ticket still escalated, They told me, that they are aware of this issue and are investigating it - although they did not understand, that the error also occurs with a single- monitor setup. I told them again and waiting for a reply. UPDATE: Possible Workarounds: - Try disconnecting second/external Monitors and/or dismantle SLI/Cross. Fire Setups as a workaround.
I guess, it won't be enough to just disable the features.. This will wipe your graphics- and sound- settings.
The game creates a new one on startup. Keybindings will be untouched.- Reinstall Direct. X vom the Common. Redist Subfolder in the gamefolder could help. I tried all the above things, including a complete clean reinstallation - the crashes keep coming. I'm stil waiting for the lovely Activision or n.
Vidia support =)Update: I opened a ticket @ nvidia support. UPDATE: I updated to NVIDIA 3. Also getting crashes now without external monitor. Install Vim Editor On Debian Wheezy. It's getting worse, now it's unplayable for me.
Update: I uninstalled Steam and all games, i reinstalled Steam. I reinstalled Co. D: AW. Second Match online and the first crash ; -)I updated my ticket with the information.. Let's see, what they want to try next. UPDATE: Activision support asked me, to completely uninstall steam. The game crashes in the mid of game.
Very anoying. Sometimes it runs for an hour, sometimes it's just a few minutes and it crashes. This has to be an issue with some kind of update of the game or graphicsdriver. The game ran fine the first months.. I play on my XMG Notebook. I checked in Windows & Driver Updates. I checked the Steam Game- Cache.
I disabled overlays like Fraps or Steam- In. Game. Temperatures are all okay. I tried several changes with monitorsetup & graphicssettings. My external monitor is connected via HDMI. Actually I was not able to reproduce the error when using only the internal monitor of my notebook. Maybe this could be a workaround, but I'd rather use my external monitor. Any help would be welcome.
Already contacted Activision Support, but no luck yet. Kind regards. Arkharion. Some Screenshots of the errors: Pic.
Paypal Payment freezes steam- browser . I found this page searching for the nss.
I can go to the Library screen in the Steam client and start games but any other screens that are actually just web pages (Store, Community, etc) simply display the . I suppose it just means that it can't verify the revocation status of the SSL certificates.
It's only after the Paypal login/payment window is opened and partially loaded that the browser hangs. Free Keygen For Command And Conquer 4 Free more. So I suspect the nss. Back in the terminal window where I started Steam I see this: Exec.