Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Odbc Drivers 80040E31 Microsoft

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Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Odbc Drivers 80040E31 Microsoft
  1. ORA-01013 user requested cancel of current operation Cause: The user interrupted an Oracle operation by entering CTRL-C, Control-C, or another canceling operation.
  2. Question: Call Type: Sub Type: Database file SHDDB.MDb cannot be opened in MS Access - Message says: Microsoft Access cannot open this file. This file is located.
Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Odbc Drivers 80040E31 Microsoft

Sur, le portail communautaire de l’immobilier, retrouvez de nombreuses informations et conseils concernant les propriétaires, les copropriétaires. The Microsoft OLE DB Provider is an SQL tool that enables developers to write code that provides an application with ADO access to an SQL database. Descargar Hack Roms De Nintendo Ds.

This is my connection string: Provider=SQL Server Native Client 1. Server=localhost. Database=databank; Uid=myuser; Pwd=mypassword. When I execute this SQL command: UPDATE .

The ID column is indexed so finding the post with ID 1. When I execute the exact same SQL expression (copied and pasted) on SQL Server Management Studio it completes successfully in no time. No problem what so ever. So there isn't a problem with the SQL itself. I've even tried using a ADODB.

Recordset object and update via that (no self- written SQL) but I still get the same timeout error. If I go to Tools > Options > Query Execution in the Management Studio I see that execution time- out is set to 0 (infinite). Under Tools > Options > Designers I see that transaction time- out is set to 3.

This is my connection string: Provider=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;Server.

Why can I execute the SQL in the Management Studio but not in my ASP code? Edit: Tried setting the 3. Designers tab to 6. I still get the same error (happens after 3. Here is the code that I use to execute the SQL on the ASP page: Set Conn = Server. Create. Object(. Waited 2. I then tried to separate the SQL into two SQL statements, the long data update in one and the other updates in the other.

It still wouldn't update the long data field, just got timeout. I tried this with two additional connection strings: Driver=. I even tried changing the data to 1. A's just to see if the actual data was causing the problem. Nope, same problem. Then I found out something interesting: I tried to execute the short SQL first, before the long update of the data field. It ALSO got query timeout exception..

But why? It has so little stuff to update in it (the whole SQL statement is less than 2. Will investigate further. Edit 3: I thought it might have been something to do with the login but I didn't find anything that looked wrong.

I even tried changing the connection string to use the sa- account but even that didn't work, still getting . There is no solution, no workaround and worst of all no ideas! Edit 4: Went to Tools > Options > Designers in the Management Studio and ticked off the . It did nothing. Tried changing the . It didn't work. Tried executing the smallest change on the post I could think of: UPDATE . Didn't work. I tried executing the exact same query in the Management Studio and it worked flawlessly. Throw me some ideas if you have got them because I'm running out for real now.

Edit 5: Have now also tried the following connection string: Provider=SQLOLEDB. Password=mypassword; Persist Security Info=True; User ID=myuser; Initial Catalog=databank; Data Source=localhost. Didn't work. Only tried to set confirmed to false but still got a time out. Edit 6: Have now attempted to update a different post in the same table: UPDATE . So now we know it isn't post specific.

I am able to update posts in other tables in the same . I can also update tables in other databases on localhost. Could there be something broken with the ? I used the MS Access wizard to auto move data from Access to MS SQL Server 2. Could something have broken down? It did require me to re- create the table when I changed the data type. I have to get some sleep but I will be sure to check back tomorrow if anybody has responded to me.

Please do, even if you only have something encouraging to say. Edit 7: Quick edit before bed. Tried to define the provider as . It makes no difference. Connection is created just as fine but the timeout still happens.

Also I'm not using MS SQL Server 2. Express (as far as I know, .

It's the full thing. If it helps, here's the . It worked all of a sudden.

What the..? I have had my code inside a subroutine and it turns out that outside of it the post that I was trying to update was already opened! So the reason for the timeout was that the post or the whole table was locked by the very same connection that tried to update it.

So the connection (or CPU thread) was waiting for a lock that would never unlock. Hate it when it turns out to be so simple after trying so hard. The post had been opened outside the subroutine by this simple code: Set Rec. Set = Conn. Execute(. The created Rec. Set by Conn. Execute() had never created a locked post in the database before but now all of a sudden it did.

Not too strange since the connection string and the actual database had changed. I hope this post saves someone else some headache if you are migrating from MS Access to MS SQL Server. Though I can't imagine there are that many Access users left in the world nowadays.