The box in the lower portion of the form diagram represents the subform. Note: If the wizard does not ask How do you want to view your data?, that means that Access did not detect a one- to- many relationship between the tables or queries that you selected. The wizard will continue, but Access will not add a subform to the form. You might want to click Cancel and examine your table relationships before you continue. Find links to more information about relationships in the See Also section. At the bottom of the wizard page, select Form with subform(s), and then click Next. On the What layout would you like for your subform?
Both layout styles arrange the subform data in rows and columns, but a tabular layout is more customizable. You can add color, graphics, and other formatting elements to a tabular subform, whereas a datasheet is more compact, like the datasheet view of a table. On the next page of the wizard, select a formatting style for the form, and then click Next. If you chose Tabular on the previous page, the formatting style you choose will also be applied to the subform. On the last page of the wizard, type the titles that you want for the forms. Access names the forms based on the titles that you type, and labels the subform based on the title that you type for the subform.
Specify whether you want to open the form in Form view, so that you can view or enter information, or in Design view, so that you can modify its design, and then click Finish. Access creates two forms — one for the main form that contains the subform control, and one for the subform itself.
Create a sheet of sequential Code 1. About Bar. Code. Wiz, Inc.