How Do You Patch Holes In Stucco By Animal

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How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes. I have snakes in my basement. I am deathly afraid of snakes. I know they are just garter snakes, but now they have babies. I want to get rid of them, not just repel them, but kill them.

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How Do You Patch Holes In Stucco By Animal

I have put down the sticky traps with no results. Do moth balls kill them? Does gravel kill them? Does bleach kill them? I am not able to get around much, I have a heart condition and don't want to end up passed out on the floor in the basement with those creepy crawlers. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,Miss Liddle from Jamestown North Dakota. Getting Rid of Gardner Snakes. Hi Miss Liddle.. This probably isn't a solution if you only see them once in a while.

I live in SD. The kids in our neighborhood like to hunt for snakes. They take them out to the corn field and let them go. The snakes should be in hibernation now, so you probably won't see them anymore till spring. The only way I know of to kill them is to hit them over the head.

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I don't think you'd want to do that when you are afraid of them.(1. By mousie. Getting Rid of Gardner Snakes. If you put down the mothballs while they are not active, they will be driven out of your basement. For some reason this does not work with poison snakes like rattlers, but does get rid of the non- poison type. My sister- in- law had a similar problem and that worked for her (1.

How soon would you like to begin your home siding project? Immediately Within the next 6 Months. Do you own your home?

By Maureen. Getting Rid of Garter Snakes. Boy, do I understand how you feel! I had a nest of garter snakes in the crack between the sidewalk and foundation last year. Sentado A Beira Do Caminho Baixar Musica Gratis.

What I learned about it is that snakes are very sensitive to smell. I bought a product from Australia to spray there, but now that I know that I use ammonia, moth balls, bleach.. You need to keep putting it where your snakes are living. They wont like it and will leave. This summer I had a copperhead snake in the same place and knew what to do so he went away.

BTW, my cousins wife pours cold water on them.. Let us know how you made out. Here we have garter snakes which are not poisonous. Killing them. I wouldn't cause if the snakes can get into your basement then the mice can also get in. Do you have problems with mice?

Probably not cause the snakes are eating them. Then again, garter snakes don't bother me.

I was the one that picked them up in the summertime and brought them to the house to show my mom. My brother in law was mentioning that he also had snakes in his basement. His solution.. find the hole that they were getting in.. As the other poster mentioned, they are probably in hibernation now so you may have to wait until spring before you can find them again in your basement or.. I would try and call your local game commission or your local humane society and they may tell you someone that can come and rescue them.

Snakes have a bad reputation, that is because the public is not educated on them. They are in hibernation now, but I hope you find an answer, verses killing them.

Plugging up holes, cracks, etc. People call these snakes Gardner as well as Garter and I wish you the best in clearing them out of your house : ) (1.

By Anonymous. Getting Rid of Gardner Snakes. Make sure the traps are near warm areas like the hot water heater the dryer or the crack of the door, any window sills or places they would bask in sunlight. Near pipes or places with water are also good places for the glue traps, my mom is having the same problem and you can take them out with a shovel once they get their heads stuck. The house I purchased was left empty for a couple years. Moth balls, bleach, hot pepper flakes, soap flake, bowl of antifreeze, and boiled tobacco didn't work. Spraying them with a hose didn't because they just came right back. I had black snakes which are like north eastern garter snakes but bigger.

Close up any and all holes. I could suck them, then run - my daughter could empty it in a trash bag but couldn't suck them. Together we got the job done. We had to put them in a trash bag because at first we put them outside but they would be all around the house trying to get back in and when I had one in the engine of my car, any mercy from me left. To keep them out, I purchased bricks of this rat poison I purchased at a feed store.

More powerful than dept store rat posion. I had no idea the house had rats in it. These darn snakes didn't even run from me. They thought they owned this place, but I showed them. Let the kids in the neighborhood come in a get them for you, or get a cat to take care of them. I hope they will leave you alone (0. By donjr. 10. 7Getting Rid of Gardner Snakes Today I was mowing my lawn and I noticed they were climbing out of my siding into a hole under in the sidewalk!

I killed two and my neighbor came and fetched them out, but I seen like 4 more. How do I get rid of em?(0. By Maria. Getting Rid of Gardner Snakes. Please do not kill these snakes. They are an important part of our ecosystem. It's understandable that you do not want snakes in your house but instead of killing them find alternative methods to remove them from your home, one I suggest is: if you have a national/state park near you, call and see about a naturalist coming to your home and removing them. These people are in a field that cares for all animals and their importance; I'm sure they would be happy to help you out.

The next day a huge brown and white striped one was slithering through our stone wall and it scared me! It looked too big to be a gardener and it was odd colors. It works on all kinds of snakes (1. By joe. Getting Rid of Gardner Snakes. Call the local animal police or pest control and they will get rid of them without killing them. They are not poisonous, they don't have no fangs.

Well I hate snakes and I know they eat other critters but they are not welcome in my house! Have any suggestions to get rid of them!!(0. By emtoh. 4u. 2Getting Rid of Garter Snakes. The snakes you find won't all be poisonous, some don't even have fangs, so don't kill them if you don't have to.

I'm not the biggest fan of them but I think they are pretty cool. Are you going to tell me you're afraid of tiny bugs too? These creatures are harmless, get over it. No effective poison or deterrent has been found to .

You will simply be on your own on getting rid of them. Try not to go on a rampage and slaughter the entire population, even though you may hate and/or fear these harmless creatures. You should try to call some pest or animal control center or animal care facility to see if you can get someone to remove them from the area. If you are not afraid, just pick them up, preferably by the neck so you don't get bitten.

Also, you should try to remove things that attract them, like tall grasses around the house that harbor insects that they feed on, don't leave firewood, boards, or other shelters for them around the yard, and you should make sure to get rid of any rodent problems you might have (rats?) due to the fact that they could be prey for the snakes. How could you possibly not like them!? Don't kill them. If it bothers you that much, call someone to come and remove them. They really are harmless. Garter Snakes are basically pests where I live, Minnesota. I see my friends kill them all the time.

I just last night rescued one from dieing in a half frozen pool! Either pick them up wearing a leather glove or call a pest control to rid them for you. If you want them dead, call the pest control. But please if you do not have to do not kill them, they are most likely eating the bugs in your basement for you! I shudder to think about snakes at all!

I went outside today, and there was a snake right along my foundation. I live in an old farmhouse, I expect to see a few, but it turned and went into a crack under my porch! Probably right into the basement! Looks like I am getting mothballs, ammonia, sulfur and cats. I think my extreme fear comes from growing up on a farm w/3 brothers who loved to throw snakes at me when they found them.

I am absolutely petrified and I know I would pass out cold if I had to touch one. I have been finding them in my flower beds.