Ext Gwt Window Close Listener Tv

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Project started because webkit for i. Phone does not provide a native way to scroll content inside a fixed size (width/height) div. So basically it was impossible to have a fixed header/footer and a scrolling central area. Until now. This script has been superseded by i. Scroll 4. This page is kept for historical reasons. Project info. Project state: ACTIVE (code is actively updated)Last code update: 2.

Device compatibility: i. Phone/Ipod touch > =2. Android > =1. 5, i.

Pad > =3. 2. Discussion Group. QR Code opens demo page. Support development. If this script saved your day or you wish to support i. Scroll and other scripts development you may consider sending some funds via Pay.

Ext Gwt Window Close Listener Tv Cast

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Ext Gwt Window Close Listener Tv Series

Pal. Overviewi. Scroll was born because mobile webkit (on i. Phone, i. Pod, Android and Pre) does not provide a native way to scroll content inside a fixed width/height element. This unfortunate situation prevents any web- app to have a position: absolute header and/or footer and a scrolling central area for contents. Luckily mobile webkit offers a powerful set of hardware accelerated CSS properties that can be used to simulate the missing functionality, so the i. Scroll development started.

Ext Gwt Window Close Listener Tv Show

Making the scroll feel native has proven more difficult than expected. How to use. First of all we need to prevent the default behavior of standard touch events. This is easily done adding prevent. Default() to the touchmove event. Then initialize the i.

Scroll object on DOMContent. Loaded or on window load. Here an example: function loaded() . The first is mandatory and is the ID of the element you want to scroll. The second is optional and can be used to pass additional parameters (see below). On the HTML/CSS side the scrolling area needs to be wrapped by an element which determines the scroller actual size.

The following is a common tags configuration for an i. Scroll.< div id=. Enjoy your scrolling. Have a look at the source code of the online example to get a better idea of how the i. Scroll works. The i.

Scroll syntax is: i. Scroll(mixed element. Example: i. Scroll(document.

Elements. By. Tag. Name('div'). The default value true makes the i.

Scroll smartly decide when the scrollbar is needed. Note that if device does not support translate. Scrollbar is set to false by default. Scrollbar: set to false to never show the vertical bar. The default value true makes the i. Scroll smartly decide when the scrollbar is needed. Note that if device does not support translate.

Scrollbar is set to false by default. Android behavior).

Default true (i. Phone behavior). Lock: , if set to true the scroller stops bouncing if the content is smaller than the visible area. Official Sony Ps3 Bluetooth Headset Manual. Default: false (as per native iphone scroll).

DOMChanges: set to false to prevent auto refresh on DOM changes. If you switch off this feature you have to call i. Scroll. refresh() function programmatically every time the DOM gets modified. If your code makes many subsequent DOM modifications it is suggested to set check. DOMChanges to false and to refresh the i. Scroll only once (ie: when all changes have been done).

Default true. fade. Scrollbar: define wether the scrollbars should fade in/out. Default true on i. Phone, false on Android.

Set to false for better performance. Default true on devices that support translate. Scrollbar: set to false to remove the shrinking scrollbars when content is dragged over the boundaries. Default true on i.

Phone, false on Android. It has no impact on performances. Compatibility: for debug purpose you can set this to true to have the script behave on desktop webkit (Safari and Chrome) as it were a touch enabled device. Color: changes the color of the scrollbar. It accepts any valid CSS color (default: 'rgba(0,0,0,0. Note: options must be sent as object not string.

Eg: my. Scroll = new i. Scroll(’scroller’, . Have a look at the screencast to get an idea. Probably the best way to use “snap” is by calling it without momentum and scrollbars: new i. Scroll('scroller', .

Eg: If the container width is 2. This is not mandatory as i. Scroll doesn’t break if the last page is smaller than the container.

Methodsrefresh(): updates all i. Scroll variables.

Useful when the content of the page doesn’t scroll and just “jumps back”. Call refresh() inside a zero set.

Timeout. Eg: set. Timeout(function () . Eg: scroll. To. Element(. Two keywords that snap to previous or next page in the raw. The “carousel” example in the zip file is a good starting point on using the snap feature. Scroll. If called with full set to true, the scroller is also removed from the DOM. Best practices. DOM Changes – If scrolling doesn’t work after an ajax call and DOM change, try to initialize i.

Scroll with check. DOMChanges: false and call refresh() function once the DOM modifications have been done. If this still doesn’t work try to put refresh() inside a 0ms set. Timeout. Eg: set. Timeout(function () . When too many elements are loaded into the scrolling area expect choppy animation.

Try to reduce the number of tags inside the scrolling area to the minimum. Try to use just ULs for lists and Ps for paragraphs. Remember that you don’t actually need an anchor to create a button or send an action, so < li> < a href=. You could remove the anchor and place the click event directly on the LI tag. Try to avoid box- shadow and CSS gradients (especially on Android).

I know they are cool and classy, but they don’t play well with CSS animations. Webkit on i. Phone seems to handle shadows and gradients a bit better than its counterpart on Android, so you may selectively add/remove features based on the device. Use a flat color for the #wrapper background, images in the scroller wrapper once again reduce performance. Important: to preserve resources on devices that don’t support translate. Android< 2. 0) i. Scroll disables momentum, scrollbars and bounce. You can however reactivate them using the respective options.

Countermeasures have to be adopted on a case- by- case basis. Please use the issue tracker on Google Code to submit a bug report.

You can also follow day by day updates on Google Code. I’m considering Palm Pre compatibility.

Check for multiple consecutive changes to the DOM to prevent unnecessary calls to the refresh() function. Maybe we can achive better performances with lazy loading and pre- fetching. Lazy loading takes care of loading and unloading elements when they are not needed (ie: out of the screen).

Pre- fetching can be used to preload all elements to reduce flickering. FAQQ: Why on Android 1. I’m not seeing the scrollbars? A: On older devices i.

Scroll disables the scrollbars and other effects. You can reactivate them passing the h. Scrollbar: true and/or v. Scrollbar: true options. Q: Why aren’t you adding feature X? A: I’d like to keep the i. Scroll as bare- bone as possible, before adding a new feature I carefully estimate the pros and the cons.

Q: I’ve developed feature X, may I send it to you? A: Please do! It’s not guaranteed that I will add your feature to the script, but I review all code you send to me. Q: I’m in a hurry and I need feature X to be added to your script ASAP. Can you help me? A: Have you considered hiring me?

Revisions historyv. Bug fixv. 3. 7, 2. Lock scrolling direction, added bounce. Lock and scrollbar.

Color options, size optimization. Bug Squashing Edition.

Added snap scroll. Mandatory bug fix. Added scroll. To.

Element() method, fixed a bug with scrollbars and multiple i. Scroll instances, a bit of code clean up. Prevent JS error on browsers not supporting Web. Kit. CSSMatrix. v.

Better orientation detection. Bug fix. v. 3. 4. Bug fix. v. 3. 4. Enhanced shrinking scrollbars. Shrinking scrollbars and preliminary desktop compatibility.

Code freeze, let’s go for 3. Full (?!) Android compatibility. Better Android compatibility.

Added Android > =1. Bug fix. v. 3. 2, 2. Code clean up. v. Added auto refresh on DOM changes. Complete code rewrite. Scrollbars added. Optimized deceleration.

Added OS3. 0 compatibility. Added refresh() function. Optimized deceleration formula. Removed timers. v.