Example Of Information Gathering Activities For Tiger

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Example Of Information Gathering Activities For Tiger

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CIA activities in Vietnam - Wikipedia. CIA activities in Vietnam were operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in Indochina and then Vietnam from the 1. Vietnam War. Historically, Vietnam became a part of French Indochina in 1. Although Vietnam became independent after World War II, French continued to rule the country until 1. While the north was controlled by the communist forces and under Ho Chi Minh's leadership, with the assistant of the U. S., the south was anti- communist. The economic and military aid supplied by the U.

S. In addition to paramilitary supplies, the U. S. CIA took effort to block the Ho Chi Minh Trails, an important activity that strategically prevented the North Vietnamese from using the trail for combat. Ethnic minorities who allied with the anti- communist Vietnamese and the U. S. CIA included the Montagnards, Hmong, and Khmer. During the war, the Imperial Japanese Army, conquered Vietnam and remained there until 1.

Axis powers were defeated. The Japanese were removed from Vietnam with the help of revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh and his Vietminh forces. Much of this can be traced back to a desire to restore French glory and national pride after the humiliation the nation suffered during the course of World War II.

The French also wished to reclaim the Indochina region to regain control over the vast rubber plantations across the country. Telecharger La Derniere Version Adobe Flash Player 2012. The people of Vietnam were completely against the return of the French in Vietnam. The Vietnamese experienced a lot of abuses by the French during their colonization of Vietnam in the mid 1. The people of North Vietnam especially rallied around revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh and looked to him to gain at long last, their independence.

France did not realize that the current Vietnamese were much stronger than those that they were familiar with. They greatly underestimated the strength and capability of the Vietnamese force. Vietmen or Vietcong as they came to be called, were not going to let the French take control of their region without a fight. The men of the Vietcong were communists and did not want to surrender their beliefs to the French. Together with the North Vietnamese army, they would defend their land.

The Vietnamese used military and political tactics to push and expel the French from their lands. Northern Vietnamese troops were prepared to fight the French to the bitter end in order to ensure victory and their freedom. The loss of thousands of French men made it easy for North Vietnam and the Vietcong to win the war. France lost a lot of the supporters of the war after so many of their men were killed. It was also beneficial to the North Vietnamese efforts when they began to receive outside assistance.

The Soviet Union sent them military hardware that they used in combat against the French. After suffering a major defeat at the French's jungle fortress of Dein Bein Phu on May 7, 1. French military influence in Asia came to an end.

Weapons given to the Vietnamese army played a key role in the defeat of France. Even before the CIA was formed, a team from the OSS, and its successors that would later become the CIA, under Major Archimedes Patti, was in French Indochina, assessing the situation, and discussing alternatives with parties on all sides, including Ho Chi Minh.

After their arrival, CIA involvement expanded to a new large base in Hanoi. The CIA's activities in Vietnam did not grow any further due to the French discouraging CIA activity (the French were still clinging to the idea that they could one day still dominate Vietnam and the US was against this course of action).

CIA activity expansion occurred when the Indochina region became three separate states, and grew exponentially during the French War in 1. France was essentially forced to accept American assistance with unconventional warfare activities. A 1. 95. 0 CIA intelligence report noted that the threat of Communism in Indochina was rising as rebel attacks on French outposts continued and highlighted the weaknesses of the French. An intelligence report on Indochinese Military Developments revealed how vulnerable the French military was due to the fall of the French border holding at Dongkhe, as well as, some attacks they had suffered at Tonkin. The report seriously doubted France's ability to hold Indochina much longer if the Viet Minh continued to attack. The report continues to claim, . There is a suggestion at the end of the reports that proposed the French would need to accept American aid to train the Vietnamese army and to supply them if they wanted to change their policy of arming the Vietnamese.

This was due to the French exposing paramilitary operations against the Vietminh in Hanoi that the agency did not previously clear with them. Outside of North Vietnam, the agency's broad span of activities reached into almost every aspect of the Indochina war. The agency conducted several paramilitary programs and conducted a full- scale war in Laos and South Vietnam. The CIA’s expansion included various stations throughout Vietnam and Laos. A station was also located in Cambodia, but relations were broken in 1.

The CIA stations in Vietnam were also responsible for conducting a full- scale war in Laos at that time in addition to South Vietnam paramilitary operations. Signed by France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, and three Associated States of Indochina including Ho Chi Minh's Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Accords addressed the issue of what to do with Vietnam since the Viet Minh had destroyed colonial rule.

Although the United States had agreed to respect the Accords, it would not sign them because the US government disagreed with the provision that split Vietnam at the 1. The US government had provided the French with logistical support in their mission to defeat the Viet Minh, however it was only a matter of time before the French needed military support as well. Essentially, the Geneva Accords forced the United States to decide if they were willing to provide such assistance. As historian Thomas L. Abern Jr stated, . His diplomatic cover job was Assistant Air Attach.

The broad mission for the team was to undertake paramilitary operations against the enemy and to train the South Vietnamese in the arts of psychological warfare, just like Landsdale had done in an earlier conflict in the Philippines. Although, Lansdale worked for the OSS briefly in World War II, he was never a CIA employee. Information Agency, a new psychological warfare campaign was devised for the Vietnamese Army and for the government in Hanoi. Shortly after, a refresher course in combat psy- war was constructed (under the guidance of Lansdale and his team) and Vietnamese Army personnel were rushed through it. This program would have some great successes, but unfortunately the CIA became more focused on troop movements of the enemy rather than waging a psy- war. One such example of psychological warfare dealt directly with misinformation. Lansdale would later recall the event in his memoirs.

At the time, the Communist apparatus inside the city was busy with secret plans to ready the population to welcome the entry of Vietminh troops. I suggested that my nationalist friends issue a fake Community manifesto, ordering everyone in the city except essential hospital employees to be out on the streets not just for a few hours of welcome but for a week- long celebration. In actuality this would mean a seven- day work stoppage. Transportation, electric power, and communication services would be suspended. The simple enlargement of plans already afoot should give the communists an unexpectedly vexing problem as they started their rule. The Communists thought that this manifesto was French counterpropoganda and attempted to order everyone back to work, which took three days.

A paramilitary specialist, well- known to the French for his help with French- operated maquis in Tonkin against the Japanese in 1. American guerrilla fighter who had not been a member of the Patti Mission.