When ready, groups should exchange boxes (carefully, without shifting the landscape), with instructions to take measurements of the landscape and produce a map of it without actually opening the box. Using a ruler and pencil, each group should draw a pattern on the top of the box indicating where they will poke small holes to take measurements. These holes are calleddata points. The holes should be evenly spaced, and the pattern should include enough holes to get an accurate reading of the content of the box. A grid works well, but students may select any configuration they think will provide accurate readings.
After the box top is marked, each hole should be carefully poked to allow only a thin dowel rod to pass through (long drinking straws can be used instead of dowels). To take a measurement, students should insert the dowel just until it meets resistance, being careful not to press down too hard. At that point, students should make a mark on the dowel, remove it from the box, and measure the length from the mark to the end of the dowel to get a distance reading from the box top to the landscape. Note: Taller features will yield shorter measurements, so this measurement will need to be subtracted from the total height of the box to reveal the actual height of the landscape. Once all the measurements have been made, each group should produce a topographic map showing the data points and connecting points with the same measurements. This would allow the map to reveal surface features. Maps can be color- coded to bring out contrasting features in the landscape.
2 Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Agricultural Meteorology agricultural cropping and management decisions, irrigation scheduling. Cover, Title Page, Forward, and Table of Contents
Microwave Remote Sensing There are some remote sensing satellites which carry passive or active microwave sensors. The active sensors emit pulses of microwave.
Electronic component data, general information and tutorials, about electronic components from the resistor, capacitor, semiconductor including the pn junction or. 2016 Impact Factor: 1.724 ©2017 Thomson Reuters, 2017 Journal Citation Reports® Visit Remote Sensing Letters.
After the maps are completed, each group should open their box lid and compare the map to the real thing. As a class, discuss sources of error and explain what adjustments could be made to increase the accuracy of the measurements.